Saturday, June 6, 2009

US Open Practice Rounds

Hey LI golfers,

The US Open competition begins Thursday June 18th. And the Black will put the world's best golfers to a true test of skills and endurance. Especially, as many of us know that walking up the the 17th & 18th greens are very tough hills to climb, no less than try to beat out Tiger.

For those who have never ventured, I recommend you get your butt to the US Open Practice Rounds. The tickets' face value are considerably less than the four days of competition and you get many opportunities to see the golfers up close and personal they would say, if this were the Olympics.

First off, cameras or your fancy Blackberry or iPhone are allowed and you get to take pictures and watch the pros practice. When I went, grudgingly, to a US Open practice round in Shinnecock I was pleasantly surprised at how accessible the players were. The day was great. A lot less crowds and we had a chance to see and even talk to a few golfers, something that would never happen Thursday - Sunday.

So, get out to Bethpage for the US Open Practice Rounds. It'll be fun.

See you on the tee box.


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